Once more

by Nicole   Nov 13, 2006

Please music let my spirit soar
as i play each note let me fly free
nothing here is setting my free
and filling my heart with glee

down to earth
soul in darkness
no saviour left
let me try my music once more

the soul is released through
the sweet melody.

release those fears and tears
until the song is done at least
let the spirit soar for a moment

the song will reach even those far from here
and know i play for them
hoping to reawaken them

and i dont give up hope no matter how bad things are
so let my music wash over u
and listen to its sweetness
and hear my song for u


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Colby

    You are very good at finding every day life and making it stand out.... great job keep up the great work

  • 18 years ago

    by SADADDY

    This is a beautiful write, the power of music can help heal the soul. May your heart be filled with peace and joy with a song.
