Nails Coloured Black

by Suri dawn   Nov 14, 2006

My nails are coloured black.
My hair covers my eyes.
I wear long sleeves and wrist bands.
These things cover my lies.

My black eye-liner is thick.
I wear dark, baggy clothes.
I walk in the rain for hours.
You say this is what I chose?

I don't celebrate my birthday.
I haven't got any friends.
I don't talk to people.
You think this is the end?

You think I am just a freak,
or you don't notice me at all.
You tease me and taunt me.
You have forced me to take this fall.

My hair covers my eyes,
so you can't see that I cry.
My sleeves and wrist bands cover,
each time I have tried suicide.

I wear baggy clothes,
to cover my bruises and my bones.
I walk for hours in the rain,
to see if anyone cares that I am alone.

I don't celebrate my birthday,
because I don't want to live through another year.
I don't talk to anyone,
because they revive my fears.

So that freak that you know;
or the one you didn't see;
has just killed herself.
From you she has been freed.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Laloser05

    That was .... wow. That is finally putting down into words what i couldn't say about a year ago. Reading it is like... release of what i went through. So thanks. Brilliant. Really. Thumbs up (if you could see them). Thanks for the comment much appreciated.

  • 18 years ago

    by aisyned


  • 18 years ago

    by Kyrstie

    That poem is so good. You are a very talented writer. Keep up the good work! Thanks for commenting on my poem, "But, Why Daddy?" Thanks a million. TTFN (Tah Tah For Now)

  • Wow, im speachless! This was a great poem! It acctually made me have tears in my eyes. I havnt even been through that but now that i read this it has opened my eyes, while reading this i thought of so many girls in my school that have that same look you descibed and i\'ve been to stuck my own ass to relize that they were there, the first thing i did was called one of them up that i knew, and asked her to hang out...omg this was great! Ive been going through the belimia and cutting and all of that but ive always had my best friend right next to me helping me through it all! Now that i read this poem it really makes me want to reach out to the gurls at my skool how i know r going through the same things but i was too good to talk to...i cant belive i was such a B**ch...i look forward to reading some more of your are truley great at writing

  • 18 years ago

    by Lily

    Wow! well thats powerful.
    I know so how you feel. i could never really descirbe alone, but you dont it so well
    5/5 AMAZING
    teak xxx