Foul shot, from the view of the more intelligent of the two.

by Lindsay   Nov 14, 2006

This boy is an idiot.
His hands are so sweaty!
I shall never, ever,
Get into that hoop.
He bounces me on the ground
After wiping his inexperienced hands on his egotistic uniform
All that thing ever does is advertise.
Here I am now, raised in all my glory to the adoring fans�
I am perfection.
This boy IS and idiot.
I should be two degrees to the left�
Oh! Oh my!
I fly through the air,
Far more elegant that a bird
And slightly off center.
I wobble, waver on the edge.
Could have gone in, you see,
But the look of terror on his face is so satisfying.
The crowd is begging silently, though, so�
In I go.


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  • 18 years ago

    by in.need.of.a.lucky.charm

    Lol this was different!!! quirky and cool though. well done

    much love and many kisses,

  • 18 years ago

    by N M Lambert

    Very funny and rings very true!! x