Still sitting here

by Tommy   Nov 14, 2006

Still sitting here
iv waited way to long
like a played out recording
of your favorite song

still sitting here
has got me nothing
not the slightest smile
not even a blushing

still sitting here
and i think to myself
she is like a toy i cant reach
cause she's on the highest shelf

still sitting here
wondering why I'm not accepted
why does she say she likes me
but only i feel rejected

still sitting here
ignoring girls left and right
i only wanted one
and for her id fight

still sitting here
I'm beginning to give up hope
because it feels like I'm rolling
rolling down the steepest slope

still sitting here
from this dream i have woken
it took a while
but my patience is broken

still sitting here
single and booking
let me know if your into me
cause now i am looking


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