I Cant Cry

by ForeverGoneInYourEyes   Nov 14, 2006

I find myself in a state of misery
Yet no matter how bad it is I cant cry
These tears will not rol down my cheeks
In my head I'm crying but no emotions on my face

I'm trying to show emotion but I persist
I can't help but show nothing
I wish you could only see my heart
See the pain I endure and you would know

Know that I'm breaking inside
No more feeling in my face
Cause I wasted my emotions way to often
I thought this would never happen

I never realized what was going on
But by the time I did it was to late
All I could do is wave goodbye
Goodbye tears I cannot have to keep


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  • 14 years ago

    by Biya

    Know that I'm breaking inside
    No more feeling in my face
    Cause I wasted my emotions way to often
    I thought this would never happen

    lovely lines

  • 14 years ago

    by Biya

    Awesome poem ...

  • 18 years ago

    by ForeverYoung

    Verry strong emotion filled poem! wows! deffinatly verry powerfuly worded, and heartfelt! The flow in the 3rd stanza was a little off though.
    The Last two lines were definatly my favourite!

  • 18 years ago

    by Simple Sensation

    Very sad and emotianal peace of writing. It has a nice flow and was very touching. One peace of advice id give is the use of punctuation. I think you should of used it. It kinda threw me off the peom. Still a good read keep it up! xx

  • 18 years ago

    by steve

    Man i have the same problem alot, dont show much emotion im either smilen or im not i never look sad though