by Serenical Darkness   Nov 15, 2006

Touched by shades of grey,
Its calling me back home.
Shun the wise and pack it up,
Never rely on hope.

Block it out and try to smile,
They don't know whats wrong with you.
Washed with rocks and dumped back out,
How does a dream stay brand new?

Its not like I want to sit through the decay,
I breathe it in everyday.
Maybe I'll reverse my ride,
Never mind its too hard to hide.

Once again a failed attempt,
Can't believe all the lies Ive drempt.
Still I stay trapt in my mind,
Why not just run, leave this hell behind.

Say something anything to me,
Where am I going and why?
Betrayed, abandoned and left to die,
Suck it up dont let them see you cry.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Polaroid

    THat was great, it rhymed, which personally I think is hard, and the stanzas were greatly numbered. Really nice. Keep it up
    yours truly

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