I Am No One

by Serenical Darkness   Nov 15, 2006

I'm waking up again cant believe I get the chance.
I'm so alive but I feel dead inside.
Thanks again for this sunshine, but it doesn't warm anything.
Hang up the phone.

You didn't answer. Dont think about it.
Taken by storms of overwhelming thoughts. Block it out.
Social acts are not so good.
They dont see what I see. (Neither do you!)

How was that smile? Did it seem real?
Thats o.k. its all for you.
There it is again, who is squeezing the life out of my heart. Stop that hurts.
Its o.k. its all for you.

I cant believe this... Fake wave, how do you do. Ha. I cant breathe.
Where are you?
Are you ashamed, I cant take this anymore.
Hang up the phone...


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  • 16 years ago

    by WitherBlisterBurnandPeel

    Paints a picture, tells a story
    interesting way of writing it

    great job =)

  • 18 years ago

    by Aussie

    The poem hav lots of emotions. i like u word it:)

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