Your Not So Wise Words

by Tammie   Nov 15, 2006

You always call me fat
And think I don't care
Laugh and joke about it
I don't think it's fair

The joke's always on me
I laugh and put on a smile
Shrug it off just one more time
But it gets old after a while

As I look in the mirror
The words come back to haunt me
The image I see now is
Something I don't want to be

I have to watch what I eat
Or the words all come back
Your voice inside my head
Telling me all the things I lack

I look at myself now
And all I see is fat
I hate all that I am
I'm going to change that

Eat less I must
Exercise I will
That is my goal
This fat I will kill

So look at me now
Before I demise
You'll see what you've caused
With you words so 'wise'.


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  • 18 years ago

    by MyDevotion

    I think we can all relate to this poem at one point in all of our lives. I was once a bit over weight myself not going to lie =/ and i pushed passed that and look great now only because i was made fun of and had so much to prove! i love it! =)

  • 18 years ago

    by David

    I wish this never happened. i hope that no guys would ever do this.

    this is a great poem. this trully is. i voted and gave you a 5. good work.

    i would never ever treat someone as badly as what the guy in your poem does.

    you expressed yourself well. ill read more def!


  • 18 years ago

    by Brittany C

    Very good poem. I'm sure that a lot of people could relate to this peom. I liked it.5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Robin

    Wow that was really good.. despite how sad it was. it's such a good description of what a lot of people face, and I like how you made it so personal.
    5/5 for sure :)

  • 18 years ago

    by amandalynn

    Really sad..i know exactly how ya me at if u ever wanna talk..5/5