Like can lead to love
love can fill your heart
But It can leave as fast as a dove
Leaving you with an empty heart
This void can lead to depression
Where you will do anything to fill it
The void can also lead to obsession
Where you Try anything to regain what once filled it
If unchecked This pain can then lead to insanity
Where your mind will turn and twist
Into a unrecognizable new identity
And you can no longer see reality through the mist
This pain can also if unchecked lead to suicide
Where you want to end your life to end the pain
Or it can lead to homicide
Leaving your soul with a stain
I know insanity, love and rage
The feelings of depression and obsessions
and It now seems so strange
That through my poems I show my confessions
Yeah the poem may sound sad but i am not... i have been having trouble naming and finding out what to classify them as... if you have any suggetions please let me know... tell me if it is any good please