Comments : Gloom of the soul

  • 18 years ago

    by blueknight

    Yeah this is nice peened dark poem and such a good choice of words i think you are improving now!!


  • 18 years ago

    by Ed or Ian Henderson

    I don't think this is anywhere enar as good as the others of yours I've read. I don't even think it's well written as it stands. There's that "pending doom" again, and the crow is now a raven. And although the imagery is pertinent to the mood of your writing, I don't think the way you've structured this tells us anything about the reasons behind it's creation. You clearly love to write poetry, but I can't help but feel that this would server you better as a "first draft" rather than a published item.

    It's kinda like an exquisite jigsaw puzzle: all the pieces are there but you've not put them together, just sorted out the corners and straight edges. ;-)

  • 18 years ago

    by Lauren Waszkiewicz

    A few spelling mistakes-
    Preses-Presses, brow-brown alos i think grass shoudl be grasses

    Also i did not like these two lines -
    In a blink of an eye,
    It seems to your tired eyes,

    it makes no sense.. and made me wonder-huh?
    i think that part would be better as-
    In a blink of an eye,
    The grasses turn brown,
    All around you

    It seems to your tired eyes,
    The grasses turn brown,
    All around you
    In a blink of an eye,

    Other wise good job, there could be a few breaks.. and commas, because in some spots it sort of flows 'too' well. where its like a runon sentence..


  • 18 years ago

    by ellewen

    Again excellent! I love the imagery. But i think you would work on the ending. Other then that its great!

  • 18 years ago

    by Goran Rahim

    Wow, another 5/5 poem from you, you are a good writer, keep it up.

  • 18 years ago

    by Synh

    I dont understand the meaning behind the poem. Like, why did you write this? Did someone hurt you or a friend? Is it about a generally depressing person? It just sounds like you used a lot of depressing words just to sound like a depressing person and chances are, you're probably not. Maybe you are but this poem doesnt sound like it. 4/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Allison

    The stanzas were a bit uneven in this one. The flow was changed because of it. Keep up the good work though. *4/5*


  • 17 years ago

    by Choose xX Alex Xx Life

    This poem reminds me of a dark alley and the crow really set the scene. Isnt it weird the way we associate certain withs with different atmospheres lol anyways good write well done.

    xxx alex xxx

  • 17 years ago

    by Kaila

    Very nice word choice!! I really enjoyed reading this poem!

  • 17 years ago

    by Ashleigh Skye

    Wow I loved all the metaphores in this poem it was wonderful to read a poem that was straigh to the point like most poems on here are. the last stanza was definatly my favorite the image of a crow always makes me think of gloom that isnt weak in any way but isnt a huge focus. well done. This is definatly one of my favorite and if you dont mind I'm going to add it to a book I have with all my favorite poems.. dont wrry I will give you credit for writing it.

  • 17 years ago

    by Vanessa

    Some part os this was a little hard to follow, bnut that could just be me. I like the use of the crow again. and even though there are a few spelling errors, I think you did a good job. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by KeyxMashingxParody

    Very strong, loved the flow, the work was very good. 5/5 babe.