Please, Don't Laugh At Me

by Lu   Nov 16, 2006

This poem has been inspired from the song
"Don't Laugh At Me"
By : Wills Mark

Sheltered from the cold
in a tiny cardboard box
he once had a home
down the road a few blocks
since he lost his job
there's nothing to pay the rent

Do you walk on by
and fail to see
that his eyes plead
don't laugh at me
please, don't laugh, at me

Terrible motorcycle accident
has left her in a wheelchair
drunk driver asleep at the wheel
she happened to be right there
now she pays the price
for his, stupidity

Do you walk on by
and fail to see
that her eyes plead
don't laugh at me
please, don't laugh, at me

A girl born different
birthmark scars her face
beginning her teenage years
never once felt a friend's embrace
standing in the corner, alone
tears falling from her eyes

Do you walk on by
and fail to see
that her eyes plead
don't laugh at me
please, don't laugh, at me

A little boy with Leukemia
who has lost all his precious hair
a ten year old child wonders
why others stop and stare
when just a simple smile
would give him the will to fight

Do you walk on by
and fail to see
that his eyes plead
don't laugh at me
please, don't laugh, at me

It only takes a moment
to give those less fortunate a smile
sometime a kind caring word
will push them that extra mile
so they can find peace, in a heart
filled with tears

So Please....don't laugh at me


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by xXits meXx

    I love this poem hits very hard at home for are a great writer..5/5

    keep it up

    ....:its me:....

  • 18 years ago

    by Cindy

    This poem really brought the tears flowing. What a excellent piece:)

    It only takes a moment
    to give those less fortunate a smile
    sometime a kind caring word
    will push them that extra mile
    so they can find peace, in a heart
    filled with tears

    So Please....don't laugh at me

    Such a strong message .
    Take Care Cindy

  • 18 years ago

    by ReBecca

    I have a poem called "With this Crutch", that is also in honor of those less fortunate. I've read 3 of your poems now and they are all so purely felt. You get across what you want to say with great talent.

  • 18 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    Nice write. Very true. Unfortunately there are people in the world who are inconsiderate of others feelings or who simply just don't care. The last stanza is especially touching.

  • 18 years ago

    by Letty

    This is so beautiful. This poem really touched me. I always try to give a smile or a caring word to those that I know are in need of it and even to those that don't. that is just the type of person I am. I have seen a lot of what you described, people laughing at those that are unfortunate. I myself call it ignorance. Another great job done by you. You have put me to tears with this lovely poem. I don't think that I need to say more but 5/5
    keep writing . You really inspire me.
