Comments : Please, Don't Laugh At Me

  • 18 years ago

    by Daisy if you do

    That was breathtaking. I loved it. So true how society downgrades us for imperfections in their eyes. That was an absolutely beautiful write.

  • 18 years ago

    by katie!

    Wow, Luanne, this poem was absolutely mind blowing.

    It really made me think, about the judgements well all make and how hurtful they can be.

    You write so well and so beautifully Luanne, It is such a pleasure reading your work.

    I will have to go and find that song now to listen to what inspired you.

    You're a brilliant writer and lovely lady, Keep writing. and thanks for being such a great friend

    Muchos LOVE

  • 18 years ago

    by Gem

    Now that is a message that people could do with listening to!
    It's all to easy to judge somone on how they look or their situation.
    And it's not fair.
    This poem is an inspiration (sp?) lol

  • 18 years ago

    by Twisted Heart

    Dear Friend,
    You have captured the true meaning of compassion in this poem. It is trully heartbreaking to feel the pain of those you write about.

    How often society looks down on those who have imperfections and think these souls are less than.

    Thank you for opening the eyes of the judgemental souls who can't find compassion to lend strength to those who possess inner beauty instead of outer.


  • 18 years ago

    by Natalie84

    So that song has got to me an all time favorite for me. I watched a Maury episode where there was a little girl with a disease and that song kept her he actually came on stage and sang it to her...I cried!!! Since then...I have loved that song to pieces!!!

    I'm remember reading your poetry and wondering how the hell you did have wowed me with this poem! It's funny how most people don't think about what they could do for others with something so simple until they themselves are being laughed at. It's clear that this is not the case for you... This poem is inspiring and I hope everyone who reads your words and listens to that song understand the message because it is divine. Your writing has only gotten BETTER!! I'm so happy I came on here!!! I miss reading this stuff!! Ok so enough rambling!!! Awesome stuff!!! Take Care!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Raychil

    Wow...this poem was so deep and so strong. I do know the song, your words are just as beautiful if not more. We often go in our lives without a care, mocking those who are poor or suffering, without fully knowing why. Your poem was so true, it was beautiful.

  • 18 years ago

    by Letty

    This is so beautiful. This poem really touched me. I always try to give a smile or a caring word to those that I know are in need of it and even to those that don't. that is just the type of person I am. I have seen a lot of what you described, people laughing at those that are unfortunate. I myself call it ignorance. Another great job done by you. You have put me to tears with this lovely poem. I don't think that I need to say more but 5/5
    keep writing . You really inspire me.


  • 18 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    Nice write. Very true. Unfortunately there are people in the world who are inconsiderate of others feelings or who simply just don't care. The last stanza is especially touching.

  • 18 years ago

    by ReBecca

    I have a poem called "With this Crutch", that is also in honor of those less fortunate. I've read 3 of your poems now and they are all so purely felt. You get across what you want to say with great talent.

  • 18 years ago

    by Cindy

    This poem really brought the tears flowing. What a excellent piece:)

    It only takes a moment
    to give those less fortunate a smile
    sometime a kind caring word
    will push them that extra mile
    so they can find peace, in a heart
    filled with tears

    So Please....don't laugh at me

    Such a strong message .
    Take Care Cindy

  • 17 years ago

    by xXits meXx

    I love this poem hits very hard at home for are a great writer..5/5

    keep it up

    ....:its me:....