Cell - A short story

by Lindsay   Nov 16, 2006

(( I didn't know if I was allowed to post a short story or not, so I did anyways. Please inform me if this is not allowed))

I stared out at the clouded sky, trying to catch a glimpse at the glowing orb that

was the moon. All I could spot in the inky darkness was a very faint glow, much like the

shine of a lone firefly, proclaiming its faint existence to the world.

I pulled on an itchy woolen sweater as the night deepened, chilling the stale, damp

air of my cell. I reluctantly let go of the rusted metal bars, rubbed my growling stomach,

and curled myself into a tight ball in the center of the room. The silence, almost deathly a

moment before, was broken by the terrifying scuttling sound of unseen creatures. I

wished with every cold, hungry fiber of my being to be what they were.

Rats. The only creatures, apart from annoying flies and biting mosquitoes, that

knew how to get in and out of my prison. I stood up as quietly as possible, hoping against

hope that they wouldnâ??t find me tonight. Thin as a wraith though I may have been, those

creatures, if they found me, would dine royally upon my flesh.

At least, I thought to myself, If I die, something in this cell will get a meal.

I awoke to a gray morning and a chill that bit down to the bone. My limbs

were as stiff as iron bars, my skin so numb that when I touched my hand to my

shriveled belly, warmed by the sweater, it felt like a strangers. I had spent the night not in

the middle of the room like I had originally intended, but instead in a half crouch on a

narrow ledge I had never noticed before that ran alone the left wall. It wasnâ??t the height

that protected me from the hungry little beasts, but the fact that the flimsy ledge was to

only spot in the tiny cell that was even barely lit by the dim light of the cloud-shrouded

moon. I could see the scuttling shadows of the rats from this point, and would kick and

step on them if they came close.

Desperately, I rubbed my body down in an attempt to get my circulation going. I

whispered out a cry of pain as the ice in my veins began to melt, and I started to regain

feeling in my be-numbed extremities. Instead of feeling warmth return, I experienced the

pain of (seemingly) thousands of shards of frozen blood start traveling through my body,

shredding my insides. If there had been a bucket of ice in this accursed place, I would

have leaped inelegantly into it in an attempt to re-freeze my poor tortured body. But then,

that would have done nothing less that kill me, I was sure of that.

Perhaps that wouldnâ??t be so bad. I thought. Alas, there was no such salvation.

So instead, I started jogging slowly around the small room. A strange thought

occurred to me as I cried hot tears down my icy cheeks, causing me more tingling

pain than it did relief.

I suppose it must smell quite offensively in here.

Having no place to properly excreteâ?¦ wasteâ?¦ I had been forced to use a corner of the

room. Even the night creatures avoided that corner now. I, however, seemed to have lost

my once acute sense of smell.

My body slowly warmed itself, and, exhausted, I collapsed against a wall. After a

moment of blessed rest, I climbed up the wall to check the position of the sun. I couldnâ??t

quite tell, but it appeared to be mid morning. All I could see was a soft, angelic halo of

light slowly climbing the steely sky. I could not, as was usual, see the ground. It was

always shrouded in mistâ?¦ or perhaps clouds. I did not know how high up I was.

Apparently, I had jogged around my cell in a hazy half sleep for over an hour.

This became more believable when my trembling legs collapsed underneath me, and I

landed rather hardly on the chill gray stone of the floor. Instead of getting up, I fell over

weakly, gazing at the rusted steel door across from me.

The tiny window that had always been open at the very bottom of the door had

been barricaded up with wood planking during the night. I gazed down at my near

skeletal figure with a sigh. That had been the slot where they pushed to food through.

I suppose they intend me to starve. Oh wellâ?¦ perhaps I will learn to like the taste of raw


My eyesight grew as hazy as the sky outside as I absently counted the squares of the cobblestone floor, and eventually I fell asleep to the lullaby sung to me by my dying stomach.

Perhaps I wont wake upâ?¦

I mused.

I guess that wonâ??t be so bad.



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  • 18 years ago

    by Simple Sensation

    I lovedt he decscription and imagery in this short story. It was really intresting and i did want to read more and moreo f it as it went along. There was emotion in it and that made it really cool. I have to say i really did enjoy it. You captured me and made me want to read mroe and more. An excellent read! Keep writing and thanks for your ocmments! xx

  • 18 years ago

    by Goran Rahim

    Great job, and you can make a great poem out of this, if u want to, 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Kristina

    Wow this is reallly good. i defiantly like it a lot. it's full with soo much emotion. great job! 5/5


  • 18 years ago


    So good, so good. Have you considered LiveJournal? It's much better equipped for stories, and you could just post the link here, ne? Still, 't'was awesome, and I really loved it. 5 from me ^^

  • 18 years ago

    by N M Lambert

    Great imagry. you paint a powerful picture with your words. x