The poem to say i love you

by *shae-natasha*   Nov 17, 2006

You've always been around me
for such a long time
we've been best friends
but we haven't wined and dined

now thats what its come to
we are together
we are a couple
i hope its us forever

you always seem to make me smile
and you aren't even doing a thing
but you also always make me cry
cause your more wonderful then a diamond ring

i wonder whether i really deserve you
i wonder if you rly love me
but as long as I'm with you, i don't care,
love is all i see

even if you don't feel the same way,
if you don't love me back
if you feel awkward when reading this,
or if you'd rather sit on a tack.

you are the guy in my eyes,
theres nothing you can do.
you are the guy i want for life,
i love you....


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by *shae-natasha*


  • 18 years ago

    by Jen

    Awww well you did well expressing it =]=]=]


  • 18 years ago

    by *shae-natasha*

    Thankyou...i made it up on the spot because someone was stuck for words...and just didnt know how to say i tried m hardest...thanks!

  • 18 years ago

    by Jen

    Awww thats really really sweet =]=]=]
    loved it