Sky Angel

by RetroRavey   Nov 17, 2006

Through this opaque, dark place
She smiles...
Breaking all the laws of science
at once.
There she flies...
Sweetly kissing the sky
With wings of too many colors,
Beautiful colors.
I want to keep her,
Oh God, just let me keep her.
In the mirror that reflects distortion,
She calls herself ugly...
But she is so beautiful,
How can she not see?
Yet she sees beauty in me...
I can't seem to believe
That my sky angel
Sees these things in me...
And yet in herself,
Her lovely self,
She sees nothing but pitiful nothing...
Just like me,
Seeing beauty in another
But never in herself.
Seeing only what she feels.
Loving another
But hating herself.
Can she be me?
No, we're different,
But I love her just the same.
Can I keep her?
My sweet sky angel
Can I keep your picture in my mind
and your hand in mine?
The mirror only distorts.
She is true beauty,
As none other ever could be...
Flying in storm,
Internal turmoil
Her downfall.
I love her...
Can I keep her?

* This is dedicated to a friend who just can't see in herself what I have always seen in her.*


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  • 17 years ago

    by Poetess Lana

    It toucheded me too and in case ya didnt notice... I is CRYING BEEOTCH! yesh, you can keep me.

    5/5 :-)
    your Ally

  • 17 years ago

    by President Dead

    I havn't read anything of yours for a while but, Wow... I really liked this. It touched me (not in a creepy way). I know wat you're trying to say too. I come across it alot. Keep on writing! :)

    President Dead

  • 17 years ago

    by Mousie

    Wow that really was amazing... you write beautiful poetry, such good vocabulary, advanced, and you pull it off good... sometimes ppl try to fake that they can use advanced vocab... u really have a knack for poetry, bravo! 5/5