Snow Angels

by Lyndsay Kalyta   Nov 18, 2006

"Mama's crying again,"
Jaynie said to me
As she folded her hands
and dropped to her knees
"I tried my best
to do everything right,
but Mama says everything's wrong
because Daddy's not here tonight.
She wants this Christmas
to be like the ones in the past.
I'm trying to help her understand that
Daddy had to leave and he won't be back.
Daddy was hurting,
but now he's feeling okay.
I talk to him each night
and he tells me he wishes he could have stayed.
I tell him that I love him
And Mama misses him bad
I tell him that I try everything
to not let Mama feel sad.
Mama and I hung the stockings
But there's only two this year.
As she held the one with Daddy's name on it,
I wiped away her tears.
She tells me I shouldn't worry about her
Because I am only six years old
I tell her no matter how young I am
I have two arms that can hold.
Last night I made Mama a snow angel
To protect her from all harm
I made the wings extra big
So he could hold her in his arms.
When I gave Mama my snow angel
She cried, but this time with a smile
As she held me in her arms
I knew I had taken her pain away for a while
She gave me Eskimo kisses,
The way that Daddy used to do
She looked up to the heavens
And whispered, 'honey, I'll always love you'
She looked back down at me
With a smile that brightened my world
She said, 'Jaynie, you are my hero,
And you'll always be Daddy's little girl'
Christmas is going to be different this year
Now that Daddy's gone
For the sake of Mama
I promised Daddy that I would be strong
I helped her mash potatoes
And I set the table for her and me
We bowed our heads and blessed the food
And say Merry Christmas to Daddy
We sat in total silence
Except for the carols in the background
I knew Mama was thinking about the Christmases
When Daddy was around
I reached across the table
And took Mama by the hand
I didn't have to say anything
Because she knows I understand.
I told Mama not to worry
Because she had a snow angel watching over her
I reassured her he would help
Even if it was Daddy she preferred
As she tucked me into bed tonight,
One of her tears dropped onto my hair
I wished her a Merry Christmas and said
when she went to sleep, her snow angel would be there
As soon as she closed the door
I slipped out of my bed
And got down on my knees, like I am now,
And now I'm letting my own tears shed
I'm telling you how I feel inside
And how much Daddy still means to me
To have him here by my side
I'd give every present under our little Christmas tree"
As I look down on little Jaynie,
She takes my breath away each night
She says her special prayer
To keep her Mama alright
She's made fifteen snow angels
And her Mama knows that she cares
As Jaynie let's out one big yawn
She finishes her Christmas prayer,
"Jesus, I know it's your birthday
And I'd give anything to see Mama smile
Can you give her snow angels for Christmas
To help take away her pain for a while"


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