Always to late for love

by kiara   Nov 18, 2006

You told me you loved me
I stood there so shocked
Then around the waist you so gently grabbed me
And there we stood in each others arms locked
A tear so lifelessly ran down my cheek
No words I wanted to speak
It was too late for both of us
So with those words you said my heart was shattered thus
The night before when I decided
That my heart was to lopsided
Why am I always running late
Its not like I only wanted a single date
I wanted to love only you
But now out of the blue
You tell me you love me
How out of time could my life be
Whenever I love
Im not like a dove
Because I always miss
That one passionate kiss
That one chance in a life time
Is loving someone such a crime
Because ive been behind bars my whole life
Is loving someone like stabbing them in the heart like a knife
Why am I tortured with timing like a cow
Maybe its time for me to make a vow
How about to not love
So then I can fly free like a dove


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  • 18 years ago

    by Gem

    "How about to not love
    So then I can fly free like a dove"

    Fitting ending to such a bittersweet poem.
    You did a good job in getting the emotions across in this piece
    Keep it up