
by BiLLy   Nov 18, 2006

We AlL kNoW tHaT lOvEs CoMpLiCaTeD aNd We AlL fAlL iN lOvE aT sOmE pOiNt Of LiFe.. U cAnT dEnY iT aNd U cNt JuSt PrEtEnD tHiNgS wiLl lAsT fOrEvEr! We AlL kNoW tHaT hEaRtS gEt BrOkEn AnD lIVeS gEt TaKiN, wE aLl KnOw ThAt LoVe HuRtS bUt At ThE sAmE tYm ItS tHe BeSt FeEliNg.. u WoUlD kIlL fOr ThIs PeRsOn! AnD u WoUlD gIvE uP eVeRyThInG iN a HeArTbEaT sO wHaT hApPeNdS aFtEr? NoThInG lAsTs FoReVeR aNd EvEn If iT dId It WoNt Be PeRfEcT, lIfEs NoT lIkE cInDeReLlA aNd SlEePiNg BeAuTy! LoVe EnDs WiTh BrOkEn HeArTs AnD i GuEsS tHaTs ThE wAy ThIs WoRlD iS mEaNt To Be.. I oNcE gOt ToLd ThAt ThErE aRe AlOt Of FiShYs In ThE wOrLd So PuT tHaT fIsH iN tHe NeT aNd NeVeR lEt It Go!!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    I loved this poem i can't say that i can relate but i liked it anyways. keep it up shanik

  • 18 years ago

    by HuggyQueenofCookies

    Lol...awesome poem..Imsa goin to find another fishy and keep him in my net....I hope the fishy won't die though..
