Preternatural cries

by Shædow Poet   Nov 19, 2006

I sweep the floors of a hollow house
eerie air breathes a sonnet
Magical and melancholy... one cries
At hearing a simple cord.

The words remind me of a story

(A story I once burned,
The cells in my brain,
Smelt of ash).

The story involved me,
However the 'you' was elusive.
Seemed to disappear without a trace
I named it Preternatural.

Preternatural robbed my possessions,
The most important vacancies of memoirs.

(And so my house now is hollow.
The broom hits the ash
And the wind sings of my sorrow.)

"I'm happy!" Screams a voice,
However It can not be mine, as mine
Twas vomited from an common visage
Hanged out to be collected by another.

I need now a mop, as the ashes turn to liquid
A thick liquid, entwining around my petiteness
(even though I was larger than Preternatural)

The sonnet erupts my state.
As I miserably try to escape the liquid.

Alas, the door of the dwelling is jammed
So I lay,
drowned in a liquid made by Preternatural
And I hoped,
That the one hurt by Preternatural
It does not just take open eyes
To learn how to cry.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Naerwen

    I would like to voice my admiration for this piece of writing. It is unlike anything I have read on this site, or amongst my own writings for a very long time. A melancholic tradegy of the human mind, it in itself a dejected and nostalgic performance...

    I am left with an unsettling yet familiar feeling after reading this exceptional write.

    Best Wishes


  • 17 years ago

    by Kristina

    Wow this poem is amazing. you did a really great job on writing it. keep up the great work. 5/5


  • 18 years ago

    by Chris

    I think this is brilliant

  • 18 years ago

    by sibyllene

    There's some real creativity in this poem! (shocking, i know.) But seriously:

    "The words remind me of a story

    (A story I once burned,
    The cells in my brain,
    Smelt of ash)."

    That is sweet, poetical joy, right there.

    The "Twas" is a little lumpy, to me, since it's a contraction of "it was." Maybe if you had some punctuation ending the line before, it wouldn't be bad. But that's just being really picky. Great poem, seriously