Saying good bye

by Katlynn   Nov 19, 2006

I'm sorry i have to do this to you.
i can't take this anymore.
i have to slam the door.
upon your beautiful face.
with the fingers that make the trace.

i have to say goodbye to you.
tonight is the night.
to pick a perfect fight.
you don't call anymore.
i see the tears fall to the floor.

I'll delete every message.
I'll delete everything out of me.
everything that reminds me of you.
I'll throw it out the window.
erase all those songs from you.

telling me how much you miss me.
telling me that you love me.
was it true or a lie?
if it was true, you would've called.

I'm sitting still.
making number 3 on the calender.
waiting for your name show up.
on the caller ID.
but nothing happens.

I'm not going to wait forever.
next time you call.
I'm calling it quits.
I'm sorry babe to do this.
but I'm sick and tired of this.

tell me things i do want to hear.
but thinking about it twice.
is another thing.
so I'll place our picture outside the door.
where you can pick it up.

you can rip it apart.
trash it.
or Cherish.

walk out now please.
before you see me.
tare myself apart with these tears.
this is one of those fears.
of saying goodbye.


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  • 18 years ago

    by BeautifulxMess

    Very sad.
    Nicely written poem.
    Keep up the great work!
    God Bless 5/5


  • 18 years ago

    by Brittney Follett

    Okay don't forget, a poet who uses grammer and punctuation gets a better score for reading over and looking for mistakes.
    Capital I's, commas, and periods.

    Also don't forget that the beginning of each line is capitalized.
    Walk out now please.
    Before you see me.
    Tare myself apart with these tears.
    This is one of those fears.
    Of saying goodbye.

    Also don't forget to use Spell Check!

    Okay, let us see what I can do.

    Just try going through your poem, and fix some of your rhymes, a lot of them are forced. If you aren't comfortable rhyming, then don't rhyme, poems don't always have to.

    Other than that!

    I loved it! It was really great, and kinda sad, but I will give you a 5/5.

    You got some really raw talent.

  • 18 years ago

    by *Isolde*

    Omg that was a realy great poem its so sad i almost cryed ...that was one of the best poems i read ..5/5 keep it coming.

  • 18 years ago

    by dollwithafrown

    This was pretty good. I thought it could have maybe flowed a little better. I don't like how the stanza's are all, jumpy, if you like. I would also suggest you capitalize where you need to (e.g. when saying 'i').

    Apart from that, the rhyming was good and enjoyed reading it.

  • 18 years ago

    by Sweet lig

    This was so nice and it carry's emotion,, actually i can relate at the same i felt sad and i can feel the sadness and very nice emotion.. great job of ur's keep it up