I question where I am at
And where I will go next,
I sit alone crying
Waiting for his text,
Although what he did was wrong
My feelings are still there,
I cannot get rid of them
That will get me no where,
But then I guess if I let them stay
They will rule my life,
A guy I would have stood by
Through all strand and strife,
What am I to do now?
Is a question I often ask,
So much anger and hate
My loves duty is to mask,
Otherwise hate will take over
And who I am will walk the door,
I thought this guy was worth that
But think this no more,
Why should I become bitter?
For this man I thought was true,
None of this would have happened
If only earlier I knew,
If we do not take these chances
We would just not know,
Of where our future would take us
And of love which could grow,
Speaking from experience
Do not let a guy change you,
For out there will be a love
One in which is true.