If I should say to the king:
I will bring you this ring
glory be to his great
And powerful majesty,
Who sits on the royal
Throne, ruling over
The Great Land of Nottingham
Wearing seal and royal
Crown of the King,
Appointed me knight
In shiny amour with orders
To crush and flush
The insurgency
From the enchanted lands,
And long live the King
Of Nottingham
At last, victory
Is on our side,
And we shall not be moved
As we march through
The village gates of doom, fear not,
Our blades are sharpened,
And blessed by the
Church of England
And we know them well,
We pause to drink sweet nectar
With the angels of glory
Precious, enchanted drinking well,
Your beauty dwells deep
In the earth’s domain,
And I am prepared to take
The endless plunge
To greet your eternal love