Dear Mommy. Dear Daddy.

by Bloody Chocolate x Hopeless Romantic   Nov 19, 2006

*how much i would like to just fall and cry
but it will only cause me more pain cause i know no one will listen
i cut and bleed but no one cares
if i cry myself to sleep
no one cares
so broken and hurt by the only words i know
daily judged by you father
daily put aside by you mother
how sad it is that if i speak up no one will believe me
no one will think that i say the truth
when i say i hear only discouraging words come out of you daddy
everyone will say i am lying
when i say im put aside and compared by you mommy
everyone will say i am lying
funny dont you think?
its like you've done it before
covered up your mistakes so well
that you make me look like the child of hell
maybe i am but ill tell you why
anger and hate was the only answer for my cry
i was alone and the dark took hold of me
i was afraid and darkness held its grip
so yes i hate you and forever will
just as you continue to cage my will
oh, so many tears choked back awaiting to fall
oh, so many fears embraced and now ive learned to erase
but you will always comtinue to insult me
you will always continue to put me down
sure it may not seem like it hurts
but look at my soul
and see if IT doesnt feel
i cant remember a day i was happy
those memories i have forgotten
those memories were lost
but it doesnt matter
ill learn to move on
ill just ignore your words
block out all insults
all attempts to bring me down
cause your time is running out
and im just beginning*


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  • 18 years ago

    by Nakoal

    That was a great peom.i really liked it.sad but so true.even though it didnt ryme i really like it a lot!

  • Great poem. Very sad, but i liked it.

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