
by Daenerys Stormborn   Nov 20, 2006

Sitting in a church pew
Sketching figures of you
Jesus nailed to his cross
My words at a loss
As the priest walks by
We share a quiet eye
I know the time is now
I must run somehow
Glancing at the backdoor
The path across the floor
A boy watches me
How much did he see?
He taps the black book
I gasp as I look
His bible open wide
Resting on his side
A smirk upon his face
Pages with no trace
Of ink, an empty space
And the nuns turn
Their naked eyes burn
Breathing garnet fire
As they hush the choir
And accusations fall
Mouths open in appall
Then my heart stops
The sketch drops
Eyes fall to the sheet
Horror in each seat
As the boy raises a hand
Ordering one command
'The antichrist,' he mouths
'Worshipper of golden cows'
'Sacrifice her worthless life'

...and I never felt the knife


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  • 18 years ago

    by Lovely Bones

    Wow. This poem kept me in suspense, and I have to admit that it took my breath away. I really liked the quick, short lines and the rhyming was good as well. I don't know if this was a mockery against the church, or if it was something.. well, I can't exactly say 'good' lol but.. wow. I'm confused now. If you want to send me an email explaining what this poem is about that'd be great. All I can say right now is that I absolutely love this poem.

    Take Care and God Bless,

  • 18 years ago

    by brianna

    Oh my gosh that was brilliant, oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by xXDurrTYSOutHXx

    This poem was absolutely amaze'in. Keep it Up. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by The Poetic Child

    it was great
    love the rhyme
    and upbeat tempo
    good job

  • 18 years ago

    by Kelly

    Was this a dream? i had a dream like this once. freaked me out ... haven't been to church in a while.. umm yeah great peice though! loved it 5/5

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