Out Of Control.

by Lauren Waszkiewicz   Nov 20, 2006

Every argument, Every lie
whether large or small
takes away a pieces of her
but never does she cry

her heart's collapsing in on itself
her souls wasting away...

once a smile-now a blank stare
Once there was laughter- now not a hint
once a loving hand--now she doesn't care

She's withering away
all joy's almost gone
falling to pieces-she's dying
Won't be alive for long

She can't stay awake
But can't fall asleep..
she's fallen off a cliff,
into the waters too deep

everyone doesn't know, what to do or say,
The depths of her eyes, show simply the unknown..
they're worried of what she is doing,
Of what she might become.
They're so worried... concerned..
and they should be..

Locked away in her room,
for all hours of the day.
escaping only at night.
when the ghosts come out to play,

she floats away
she's high, she's down
the only way to live, to feel
seems nothing anymore is real

on a tragic roller coaster,
the ride of her life.
Ups, downs, twists and turns..
and here comes

her life's wasting away
killing herself slightly everyday
she's falling, drowning...
She's spinning Out of Control...

And she knows it..


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by David

    I like how in your para you used awake and asleep, shows how well you can write. this was an enjoyable poem to read. bravo. clap clap.

    5/5 from me. David

  • 18 years ago

    by amoxi

    Theres some conflict in this one but it was well written i liked it

  • 18 years ago

    by .K.i.T.t.Y.


    takes away a pieces of her...grammatical error.


  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    I think the wording you used in this was beautiful.
    The flow threw me off at times though.
    Apart from that, I think you did a wonderful job.

  • 18 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Well, i did like this one. it was long and didn't keep me interested enough but i loved the lines
    "her heart's collapsing in on itself
    her souls wasting away..."
    they were really powerful.
    well done