
by Seeker of Truth   Nov 20, 2006

I sit as a drop of water and flow in this pond. The pond is my mother, my father, my brother, my sister, myself, my world. I depend upon it for my existence.

I sit as a leaf and know that I depend upon this tree. It is my mother, my father, my brother, my sister, myself, my world. I depend upon it for my existence.

I sit as a bird and let the wind ruffle my wings. They are part of me, and I am part of them. I depend upon them for my existence.

I sit as a kitten and drink my mother’s milk. My mother nurtures me, raises me, and gives me all I need. I depend upon her for my existence.

I sit as a baby and sleep with fiery calm. My family provides for me and allows me to grow. I depend upon them for my existence.

As we all grow, we all depend upon one another: The water feeds the tree, the tree feeds the bird, the bird feeds the cat to raise the kitten, which feeds the human to raise the baby.
As we all die, we are recycled. Decomposers feed on corpses, trees are used for housing, and water evaporates to start the cycle anew.



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