LeT mE bE mE

by DeMoNiC aNgEl   Nov 20, 2006

I wont let them see the tears fall from my eyes,
I wont let them see all the pain, the hurt, the cries,
I wont let them see the real person inside of me,
I wont let them see the person I so long to be,
I refuse to show them who I really am,
I refuse to show them my secret internal scam,
I refuse to show them I act like something I'm not,
I refuse to show them because its something i was taught,
I refuse to believe that your really my "Bestfriend",
I refuse to believe it because if you were you'd be here from begining till the end,
I refuse to believe all those lies you said were real,
I refuse to believe them cause its just how i feel,
All I want is for someone to except me for who I am and what I do,
All I want is someone to be here for me no matter what I go through,
All I want is someone to let me be me,
All I want is someone to come and set me free.

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  • 18 years ago

    by Haidee

    Hey, first thanx for commenting on my poems, and i love urs, they are very in depth, they really open up my eyes, i really like them... keep it up, and hey, hope everything will be okay in ur life and all things u do in the future. keep it real.x