Please .

by BrokenREALiTy   Nov 20, 2006

Please hug me,
Don't go the other way.
Please talk to me,
I have so much to say.

Please walk with me,
I just wanna know you're there.
Please hang out with me,
Just let me know you care.

Please call me,
I don't care if it's just once.
Please notice me,
Even if I am a dunce.

Please gaze at me,
Even if it's just a glance.
Please love me,
I just want one chance.
[c] 2O06 Mindy Huang


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  • 18 years ago

    by cuca aShLeY

    I love your poem this is a great poem:P 5/5 great job

    komment/rate mine thanx

  • 18 years ago

    by Shantel

    This poem is wonderful and rhymes perfectly but it hurts me when i read it but good job

  • 18 years ago

    by BeautifulxMess

    That was short and soo sweet.
    Keep it up girl.
    Thank you very much for the comments and rates on my poems.
    They ment alot to me.
    Look out for more of my new poems if I ever get any. Lol. Later Girl!
    God Bless 5/5!


  • 18 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    I like the way you used the repetitive stylein this poem it went along nicely with the rhyme sceme, and the flow was perfect nice write 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Stephanie

    This was adorable and sad, at the same time! =]
    I really liked the repetition that you used, it made the poem stick out more.
    Your flow was excellent and I can tell that you put quite a bit of emotions into this one.
    Great job! 5/5 Keep it up!
