Blue eyes wet from uncried tears
Refusing to let them fall
Not allowing them
Wanting them to stay where they are
And never come out
Wanting to see the blurry world
Not as it is but as if
There was actually something
Something worthwhile
Something to look forward to
Amidst the fighting and depression
Wanting what i know i canâ??t have
Looking around and finding
Another pair of blue eyes
Seeing a mirror image of myself
Without a mirror
Physical features different
It's the inside that counts
The feelings that are the same
Having the gift to express feelings
Through your eyes
Moving on to see
Green eyes
So easy to get lost in them
And in the false security
Seeing all the happiness and joy
And not being able to join in
Never to see, to feel, to hear
Never to know
Lost always in those eyes
That keep calling me back
Trying to bring me to the light
But never succeeding
Always with the blue eyes
In the dark
But on the outside wearing a mask
Hiding all the inner feelings
Of hurt and pain
Only to show happiness and love
Back to the icy blue eyes
Meant to stay with them forever
Never to feel the warmth
Of the green eyes