The Knight and Drake

by gabriel   Nov 21, 2006

I sat upon the window still
Overlooking the nearby hill
The moonless sky shrouds so deep
A drizzle like angels who quietly weep

With thoughts mixed-up all over
My head throbbing like distant thunder
An unfocused, stoic stare that could easily kill
A thousand petrified victims at Medusa's will

Tentacles of bolt light up the Southern sky
Like ravaged spider-webs hastily spun
A pause of silence simply passes me by
Before a booming herald announces the coming of one

He was a serpent with green, serrated skin
His blood-red eyes reflected the purest of sin
A crimson forked tongue tasted the salty air
When he saw me his expression was a dastardly glare

Oh, what evil could I describe?
A creature so foul that man shudder at his name
Even the soothsayers of the ancient tribes
Would rather die than speak of his notorious fame

I cowered in fear, my heart racing fast
I tasted bile and guessed that this was my last
He licked his lips and grinned with glee
Somehow I knew this was the end of me

Raising his reptilian head of staggering height
Even the ancient, giant oaks prostrate at his majestic sight
I closed my eyes and braced for death
As he struck I could smell his venomous breath

At the last moment at heaven's mercy
I heard metal clanging behind me
That moment didn't come and I turned and look
A black-figure was sitting on a giant rook

In the alien tongue of a lost civilisation
He shouted out loud battle-cries
His ash-burnt companion screeched in unison
A wondrous sight of valor in front of my eyes

He aimed his gleaming lance at the surprised creature
As torrential rain pounded on their face
I noticed on the figure's back an obvious feature
The symbol of a unicorn in a beautiful grace

The figure in black spoke some magical phrase
Instantly I felt the hair on my skin raise
I was overcome with raw energy that lifted me
My world turned black and I couldn't see

When I opened my eyes again it was already dawn
The rain had subsided and everything was gone
I spat-out dirt and felt my muscles ache
Where was the dark knight and that hideous drake?

I looked around but everything seemed fine
Somehow I felt a little out of my mind
Staggering I pulled myself up on my feet
Making my way home for a bowl of oatmeal wheat


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