Painful experience

by ashley   Nov 21, 2006

I hate how you made me expose my past
it makes me angry with words they are used as stones you have cast

you made me tell of my crimes and mistakes and my heartbreak
my accident suicide attempt because i didn\'t know how much more i could take

please tell me this why do you want me to reopen a hidden scar
just as i was forgetting i lost ground and i had come so far

why i scream why do i hurt like this and feel this pain in my inner side
why do you bring back the bleeding hot tears Ive cried

you say I\'m sick I\'m far from well because my hate for my mother has me consumed
I\'m sorry i couldn\'t accept you as my family and that you think I\'m doomed

but you grew up with a mom and dad who loved you
who rocked you to sleep when you cried and your world was so blue

you dont know the definition of a broken home destroyed by alcohol and pills
you dont understand me and you dont know how it feels

so dont change me or tell me to forget what happened when i was a kid
ill never forget how my family left me and everything they did

the past is what makes us who we are today
thats all i gotta say


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