
by xXLost in the Nightmare of LifeXx   Nov 21, 2006

I hear voices fade in and out.
I do not understand them.
When I try to speak,
The owners of the voices hurt me.
People hate me,
For my voice.
I stay silent,
Silent as night,
Yet, night is not silent.
So what is?
Just me?
The voices come in clearer.
\"Stupid girl\" they say.
I soon grow unfeeling,
I take each insult,
each hit,
No tears fall from my eyes,
For there are no tears,
no sadness.
Only hate.
Bitter hate.
A knife finds its way into my steady yet trembling hand.
Blood fills my vision.
As I look upon their lifeless bodies,
I think,
Was I any better?


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  • 17 years ago

    by NeferNoir

    The depths of emotion in this poem is amazing! It has a nice flow of words and most people can relate to this poem.. i love how you express yourself in this poem.. Great poem! :)

  • 18 years ago

    by EpithanyRae

    I f*ing LOVE this PEOM

  • 18 years ago

    by Brianna

    ♥A little confusing but a good poem! am still a little confused!♥


  • 18 years ago

    by xPerfect Chaosx

    Hey Katie, love your poem. Very deep. You might want to update your profile...well I will ttul8r
    Much Love,

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