Only You [`Double Lento`]

by aDORKable x3   Nov 22, 2006

Hold onto my hand and we'll make it through
Behold the paths of life we must walk
Untold secrets I tried not to keep from you
Cajoled from my lips as we sit here and talk

You are the only one who could pry these things from me
Through the time we've spent together, you learned how
True, we are both very similar, can't you see
Few can ever come between our friendship now

Hurt, as I was, you had never looked back
Curt, as I was, you would never think twice
Inert as I sat here, stopped in my tracks
Exert your own power so as just to be nice

Pain was upon me, but you lifted my veil
Again, you told me that we would make it though
Rain drops of tears fell to the floor like hail
Again, I finally realized, I can count on Only You

A Lento consists of two quatrains with a fixed rhyme scheme of abcb, defe as the second and forth lines of each stanza must rhyme. To take it a step further, but not required, try rhyming the first and third lines as well as the second and forth lines of each stanza in this rhyming pattern: abab, cdcd. The fun part of this poem is thrown in here as all the FIRST words of each verse should rhyme. There is no fixed syllable structure to the Lento, but
keeping a good, flowing rhythm is recommended.

For an added challenge, one may write a four-verse Lento and call it a Double Lento, or a six-versed Lento to become a Triple Lento.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Mommy And Me

    Happy thought: i learned a new word... Cajoled

    this poem was simple to follow, yet so complicated. i was following the pattern for i never read a lento before. lol. well anywhos when i read it the second time with out worrying of pattern i really enjoyed the read. it was awsome. great work

    -/2 Terra

  • 17 years ago

    by donna

    Hun that was an amazing poem.. Your poetry skills get stronger and stronger with each poem You write.. The flow and rhythmn was excellent and the message itself so sweet.. Well done 5/5 xx

  • 17 years ago

    by Mommy And Me

    Great poem... it pulled me in right away, but the word *curt* sorta pulled me away from the poem... lol maybe beacuse i never heard it before now.. but still great work. i like how you rhymed the first words.. ;) once again great work
