I wonder

by MariiaShan   Nov 22, 2006

I have lost many friends to you,
I am therefore waiting to meet you
Ihow I should treat you
I have lost my cousin,
My dearest friend of my childhood
I want you to give them another chance
But fear to ask,for fear of the price
I want my life back please return it
It's hiding in your cloak
I know you have it don't lie
return me to my childhood,
Or take me with you,
To death and beyond


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  • 18 years ago

    by Danielle

    This poem reminds me of all the frustration that i feel when i lose someone close to me. it has a perspective that many dont see, i like it, a lot. i can remember whenever i lose someone close, that not only is there sadness within me, but there is this frustration i cannot deal with, i dont know what to do with, i love it, please keep writting.

  • 18 years ago

    by LovinMyLife

    I like this poem. Great job. And thank you for commenting mine! Means a lot to me!