
by Arlene Remy   Nov 22, 2006

Close your eyes and dream a dream
of the beauty which is not today
make a wish on a shooting star
for the bright future that seems so far away
don't lose hope in the brighter tomorrow
cause without hope there is no reason to breathe
sometimes its ok for us to imagine
the day we'll have all we need

Have faith that the rainbow will someday end
and and our reward be the pot of gold
keep focus on the light at the end of the tunnel
I'm not sure its there but so I was told
fantasize in the love that tomorrow will bring
and be ready to accept its grace
I know the wait is longer that you thought
but if you lose hope you'll lose the race

So always be free to exercise your dreams
let them take you where ever you want to go
work hard toward them with all you've got
the end reward will be what you have to show
but make sure that you make your dreams
and never let your dreams make you
cause some dreams are just for hope
and were never really meant to come true


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