
by AliveAndEmpty   Nov 23, 2006

There, I see him
He's coming this way
He sees me, I wave
He bolts

What did I do wrong
Why does he hate me
How can i fix this
When will he talk to me
Who can help

He's gone
He's not coming back
I should just get used to that
Its not changing in the near future
Why is he gone

Did I do something wrong
Did I tell too much
Was it just in my mind
Did he never care
Did I put too much faith
Into someone who doesn't care

He's gone
Now I have no one
No one like that

No one to make me laugh
No one to be my rest
No one to give me a hug
And tell me its alright
And no one for me to lean on

I've lost him
He's gone
He's not coming back

© Emily Andriko


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  • 18 years ago

    by XxMoonLightxX

    Hey ems,
    you are such a good writer,
    chanel that anger ans tuffz into poetry and you could be up to my levels very soon!

    greta work emms!

  • 18 years ago

    by xXjENiXx

    Its cool i really like it

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