Dance of death

by kiara   Nov 23, 2006

I took a deep breath
Whilst you danced the dance of death
My eyes were shut
Whilst you would sit in the corner and cut
Slits in your wrists
So you can remember the pain will always exist
Tears on your face
Because you couldnâ??t keep up with lifeâ??s fast pace
You had a shattered heart
Because life hit you with a dart
No one noticed what was going on
No one realized that night you were gone
You had had enough
You were sick of trying to be tough
When I finally realized you were gone
My heart was torn
i never bothered to stop and think
that whenever I saw you I would blink
because I didnâ??t want to see
what a bad life could be
so with that im sorry


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  • GReaT pOeM.. ^^, .. tHaNks FoR cOMMeNtiNg iN mYn tOO.. ^^,


  • 18 years ago

    by DarkJem

    Great poem 5/5 loved it lol. don't u think that this site is great but it's annoying when you get symbols and junk in your poems after you spell check, i hate it i have to always go through my poems deleting them. anyways keep writing your poems are great.