Stop hitting her

by BehindThisSmilex   Nov 23, 2006

You drink yourself away
you grab her neck
throwing her against the wall
she's crying
begging you to stop
but you keep at it
telling her how much
you hate her
you slap her across the face
leaving her in screams
she tells you
to not harm the baby
but you don't care
you punch her in the stomach
killing the innocent infant
that isn't even born
you shove your fingers
down her throat
push her out
the two story window
she picks herself up
weak in her knees
walking in a daze
she doesn't want to call the police
because she thinks they won't understand
she thinks you love her
in the morning
you'll wake up
and tell her your sorry
you didn't mean anything
but soon enough
you will drink again
you will do the same thing
but this time worse
you almost killed her
she finally called the cops
she tells them the whole story
they take you to jail
its where you belong
they keep you there for six months
but when you finally get out
she wants you back
she thinks you've changed
but you haven't
you do it again and again
the same routine
you drink and you drink
you hit and you yell
the next morning
you say your lame apologies
she always forgives you
when will she realize
that one day she'll be dead
and it will all be
because of you.

--this is about my sister and her boyfriend. it happened over a year ago and she's still with him, going through it over and over again.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Hey hunni, im sorry that you have to be part of this. its a really good poem and it really did make me think about a lot. its really easy flowing and you could just read on for ever x x take kare x x

  • 18 years ago

    by ...Jasmine...

    you seem like an intersesting person, if you have msn, write a comment on another one of my poems and tell me. your an awesome writer.
    xoxo Jasmine

  • 18 years ago

    by MiaFairy

    That is so tragic. ur poem made me cry. but i love how much u can feel the pain. very well done/

  • 18 years ago

    by UnToLd TrUtH

    Wow. Im so sorry for your sister she shouldn't be in this relationship. I know she should get out of it but she can't. She needs you right now to help her understand.

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