
by Elynnka   Nov 23, 2006

Hiding in the shadows, sleeping at day,
Wandering alone we search for our prey.
Black hearted and feeding off your life,
We are immortal, please put down that knife.

Sleep tight at night, don't walk out alone,
Because if we meet, you're not coming home.
Have mercy on yourself as we will have not
And we'll take the life for which you fought.

Nails of glass, a skin so pale, life of woe -
Death, catch us in your arms and let not go!
Loneliness so hard to bear for infinite times,
But it's the price we pay for our wretched crimes.

We have no real name - abominations of nature,
Calls us as you may, but remember for the future
That we are hiding away from your eyes so keen
Search us off if you wish, but we are unseen.

**Note: Done for a contest. It's not that good, but it's the best I can for the time being as my grandpa died two days ago and well... it's not that easy to write having that in mind. I hope you like it though =)**


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