Hard to let go

by Im In Love What Can I Say   Nov 23, 2006

My heart is gonna cry
all because you said goodbye.
you told me "count on me through thick and thin"
and "our relationship would never end."
i knew i could count on you
and unfortunately i still do.
i know you didnt want to leave
but i guess this is how it had to be.
to kiss you goodbye and watch you walk away
brought tears to my eyes that ran down all day.
i wish i was in your arms right there beside you
but i know i'll be in your dreams come true.
i want you to come kiss away the pain
and stop my tears from coming out like rain.
i miss the way you held my hand
you used to be the best man.
i miss the way you call late at night
and the way you held me tight.
i guess im not what you need
because look what you've done to me.
i still wish you love and happiness
and most of all i wish you the best.
as i'm looking at your photo
i realize you are... hard to let go.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Gem

    It's hardest to let go when you still love them.
    Thankfully i won't have to go through that again, but i have been there and i know what you're going through

  • 17 years ago

    by XxMoonLightxX

    Oh my god..this is probably one of the most beautifully written peices i have ever read.. i love it so much and for sure you are going on my fav list... i can relate so well becuase that is exactly how i feel right now..

    keep writing!

    ~love Always~

    ~Ity isn't freak...Its Band Geek!~

  • 18 years ago

    by Im In Love What Can I Say

    This is for another boy i was going with but then he ended up breaking up with me. i still got feelings for him so i wrote this i hope you like.