Comments : Shattered Pride

  • 18 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Frolicking In Existence
    ^^ Not only is Frolicking one of my favorite words..buts thats one of the best lines I've read in a poem in such a long time Nikki...I just love your poems because theres always at least ONE thing minimum that I just absolutley love about it!! Such great choice of words and the structure of your poems are always excellent! No less than a 5 of course
    Much love hunnii

  • =) Aww I Luv My Chels! *Hugs*

  • 18 years ago

    by Laura

    Nikki...this was superbly written. I can really relate to the words that have flowed from your pen.
    You always have a unique style and presentation for your beautiful writting.

  • 18 years ago

    by Aken Sol

    "Rapping" should be "raping" probably. I really like your one-liners becuase they express so much emotions with your cunnng word play. Looks like it's along the same lines as your more recent piece huh? I actually read your profile this time and so I know that you base your poetry off of real-life experiences. I'm sorry. Maybe you'll learn to love again.

    Aken Sol

  • 18 years ago

    by CondescendingHeart

    Excellant.... Great... Wow.
    Im Stunned at how well written your poetry is... you are an amazing writter.
    keep it up!

    ( L )