why would you tell me you love me
why would you treat me so nicely
why would u do every thing i wanted a man to do
why would u make me fall in love with you
why would u do all these thing and in the end cheat on me with my best friend
why if u knew i loved that girl to death she was like a sister to me
why would u Dennie it to my face
why would u want to cause me all this pain
well now you and my ex best friend is the one saying why
why wont i forgive you guys
why wont i talk to you or her or you
why wont i go back out with you
well you should have thought about the consequences while you were cheating
and now sometimes i wonder why
but don't worry i know i could find some body better
so have fun with her because you will never get me back.
so who is the one saying why now?