My Hell

by Brian   Nov 23, 2006

Hell can not be broken into for it has no gate
Hell can not be climbed into for it has no walls
But there is an epitaph within.
Hell isn't for the bad, for the good are there too
Hell does not punish just the guilty for it punishes the innocents too
Hell isn't a place, it is an entity.
We aim to be at our best but I gave up
Heaven is not my goal for I know I will never get there,
Good or bad... I'm being punished.
I shall be punished for one crime only, falling in love.
But how can I go to hell? How do I get to hell? How do I find hell?
The answer is that I can't.
For hell has found me.
I am living in hell.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    I think your others are better than this one, but it is still pretty good.
    I really liked the last line, that was powerful.

  • 18 years ago

    by Darien

    Hmm, just a thought to ponder
    "can not" [cannot] it can be written that way.

    "Hell dose not punish just the guilty for it punishes the "
    [I think you meant 'does']

    Very well written, created an ideal 'hell' with your words. A good poem, a few minor changes, that's all that's needed.