The Game

by CourtneyLouxxx   Nov 24, 2006

She hopes to cry a river
Then drown the man she hates
Kill him for all his torture
Open Satan’s gate

She no longer feels his pain
Just the after math of love
Heart broken, bruised and torn
But she knows she can rise above

She can stop the inner turmoil
The crying and the blood she shed
She knows its all emotional
He’s messed up her head

He lead her on, deceived her
But just like any women knows
Never believe an elder
Because his love he cannot show

She bleeds to much for love
But its pain she’s really bleeding for
Every single cut and bruise
Kills her a little more

So for now she must end it
Lay this pain to rest
She knows one day he’ll pay
For her inner most distress


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  • 18 years ago

    by Lithium

    Very well written courts xox sam