ALL tHrOuGh tHe YeaRS, i fLeW tHrouGh YoU bY aNd By,
JusT HoPiNg tO CatCh YoU eYe tO eYe..
BuT i\'M iN thE eYe oF a bLiZZaRd,
HoW Can YoU SeE mE?.. iM iN a WorLd oF iNviSIbiLiTy..
i Gave YoU LoVe, TeNdErNeSS and CaRE,
yOu DiDNt eVeN rEcOgNiZe mE,
u NeVeR ReaLLy CarEd,
iNsTeaD, yOu WeaR mE DowN wiTH YoUr WorSt gLaRe!..
i ReMemBeR aLL tHoSe SacRiFicEs i uSeD tO TaKe,
FoR JusT 1 momEnT wiTh YoU, i\'D BeNd, i\'D bReaK..
tHe WaY i LooKeD aT YoU, tHe WaY i sMiLed,
JusT oNe LosT gLaNcE, iT\'s aLL woRtHwHiLe..
BuT tHoSe aRe JusT MeMoriEs, eVeN i CaN LeaRn,
mY HeaD fRoZe aS iT WatCHeD mY HeaRt BuRn..
iM eRaSiNg yOu fRoM mY MeMoRy, uNTiL NoW i tRy,
tHaT nigHt i WaiTeD FoR yOu iN thE RaiN, i SaiD GooDBYe!.. +_+