Drown In These Tears

by Caitlin   Nov 24, 2006

Relive this memory, it's weaved into my veins
With a scream so silent, it's easy to sustain
This time is lost, ans there's no place to go
Laughing at life, as if it is a show
I lost my heart, I lost my soul
It's so painful, it's unbearable to control
I wasted my entire life finding love in him
And when I get a chance to say it, he's gone with the sin
That night left a scar that will never leave
With a heart so cold it's hard to believe
I should have seen it coming for all those years
At the end of the day, I could drown in all the tears
But when you lose something, you gain another
If we were together, we would have killed each other
You have to go through pain in order to live your life
And happiness is worth the pain and strife


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  • 18 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    I lost a love to and it hurt at first and i had a hard time but i grew with it and im so much stronger now for having to deal with the pain excellent job 5/5