Stop these killings

by ivan070   Nov 24, 2006

Merciless and cruel;
Are these slaughtering;
In cold blood;
In gruesome manner;
They murder and kill;

In these killing fields;
You can only sense pain;
Human compassion is dead;
And all that snares, traps , guns,
and brutal beatings make sense;
For the greed of mankind;
At the expense of the innocent;

Man do whatever they can;
To make a few dirty bucks;
From fur, leather and skin...

They kill with no shame;
For the fur trade;
For the pride and joy
Of fashion world;
For the taste of the rich;
And the socially famous;
For their luxury life style;
Another life is sacrificed;

Stop these killings;
Stop these god forbidden acts;
Of taking lives;
Shed a tear;
Feel the pain and agony;
Of these living beings;
Stop buying and save another soul...


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