The light

by Scream_my_name   Nov 25, 2006

I am lost again
lost in an empty darkness
i can see absolutely nothing except
the things i fear
everyone around me is completely in the light
they can not see my darkness
or even feel my fright
I'm scared to say
I'm scared to believe
that I'm a worthless human being
but alive i am and alive i shall stay
until the day I'm taken away
i need to fight away the darkness
to be taken to the light
but the light the devil is offering
is not the light that i want
i want what everyone else has
the ability to smile, and laugh
i don't want to cry anymore
and i hate the pills the doctor
anti-depressants and pain killers
are piled in my room
i don't think i need them
i just need what they all have
there must be a secret to their happiness
and a key to the light they hold
but for now i will just sit in the darkness
holding my shoulders and my head
in my lap
praying for the light that they all see
praying for the light that they all see


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  • 18 years ago

    by Silent Screams

    That was a very deep poem...i bet it took alot to write that...keep praying and wishing and maybe you'll see the light we can't live in darkness forever

  • 18 years ago

    by X Kashies Misery X



    there u go lol!
    wow effort,
    lol im tempted to chat with yah now
    I just realised my comments arnt real comments they are just talking ones...
    grrr... alwell
    they should have like a private chat thing, do they?
    pfft stuff that, ill just do this!

  • 18 years ago

    by X Kashies Misery X

    Oh I like this one,
    LOL YEAH =p and I just realised u said skanks will be skanks... my bad, i need glasses
    LOL, *goes into a laughing fit*
    =o I am so weird,
    kk ill shutup now.. =p