My Irrelevant Tears

by TearsInTheRain   Nov 25, 2006

Sat crying alone,
Writing a diary laced with blood,
My tears fall on the page like acid drops,
Burning through the pages, Disolving all my words.
My feelings so little in such a big world,
These are my irrelevant tears.

Sat crying alone,
Reminising about the good times,
But maybe, Perhaps, Suffering fom memory loss.
No, There's no happy thoughts, no true loved ones.
Carelessness in a nutshell,
These are my irrelivant tears.

Sat crying alone,
Hearing the piercing sound of silence, seeing the harsh darkness of light.
Surrounded by people, but yet totally alone,
As no one notices, no one cares.
Now that these are my irrelivant tears.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Laybelled with a name

    Aido??? you there??? cum into the chatroom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Laybelled with a name

    Poeple do care (namely me) loved the 1st four lines, there extremly discriptive and it makes you read on, extremly captivateing... 10/10

  • 18 years ago

    by Brittany C

    Awesome poem. 5/5 keep up the great work.

  • I loved this. Very sad.