He's Messing It Up

by TRAGiC BEAUTY   Nov 25, 2006

He's messing this up
The friendship we had
It was all going good
Now it's all going bad

I didn't mean to hurt you
I didn't mean to make you cry
I'm sorry for everything
Killing that fire inside

I know you love him too
And I'm sorry that he picked me
You can find someone else
You won't always be lonely

I'm terribly sorry I'm in love with him
I love this boy so
We are both in love with him
There's something about him we can't let go

But he is mine and I'm sorry
You can find someone else
We had a wonderful friendship
You're letting him mess this up...


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  • 17 years ago

    by Erica Jovie©

    So i don't quite get this one...but keep writing cuz u deffinitly got talent girlie!! God bless ~erica

  • 17 years ago

    by Raychil

    I know this is none of my business but I feel bad not saying anything, you can listen or ignore this whatever you want. But one of my friends and I had a fight over a boy only when he picked me she was just happy for me, cuz she was a good friend and she understood that I wanted to be with him and even when we broke up and I was upset about it, she was there for me and I would do the same for her, thats what a friend does, not this kind of stuff. Just think about it. both of you.
    (please don't start hate-commenting me, I'm just offering to help)